- Pack a reusable water bottle.
- Make photocopies of your passport to give to family at home, and keep one set in your luggage (or email a copy of it to yourself).
- Always wear sunscreen.
- If you forgot something, as the hotel front desk. Most likely they will have a complementary replacement on hand.
- You don’t need a bunch of dressy clothes. If you must have some, ONE nice outfit will be enough.
- Bring comfortable, worn in shoes. Don’t try to break in your new shoes on the trip and end up with blisters upon blisters.
- Bring snacks!
- Don’t sleep in while traveling. There is so much to do and so much to see.
- Never leave valuables in the car, even if they’re hidden from view.
- Always bring a hat.
- Tip the hotel staff (usually $2/day is acceptable) and leave it on the pillow.
- The museum staff are a great resource for sight seeing tips. They can help you see the best things on a time constraint.
- Put your dirty shoes in shower caps the hotel provides to make sure they don’t spread their filth throughout your luggage.
- Don’t eat at any restaurant that is also available in your hometown.